Odyssey Continuation High Home

Home of the Voyagers

About Us

Welcome to Odyssey Continuation High School where personalized learning is the key to achieving your high school diploma and beyond.

News & Announcements


SENIORS - Graduating CLASS of 2025! FAFSA/CADAA is DUE Now!

Attention ALL Parents and Guardians of Senior Odyssey Students! SATURDAY, March 22, 2025 9am - 12:30pm Odyssey will hold Parent Graduation Information! Attending One of the Workshops is Mandatory to receive your Odyssey HS Diploma! Students must bring one parent to complete the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act - the 30 minute workshop is at 9:30am in the Library. Graduation Requirements workshop is at 10am with the Principal. Seniors are welcome to remain on campus from 10am -12pm to work on Service Learning Presentation.

Odyssey HS School Experience Survey 2025

Parents of Odyssey Voyagers! Thank you for supporting the LAUSD Annual Survey. It takes only 10 minutes to complete. Parents and Guardians are able to use their phone or their computer device to complete the survey! Please help us to show the improvements made to our school. This year we celebrated the First Honor Roll, the First Assembly, the First First Trips!, the First Red Sand Project, and all of the good things happening at Odyssey are visible on our First Instagram Page @VoyagersOHS! Like & Follow!

Launch Work Experience at Odyssey HS!

Congratulations! Meet the trailblazers! Four dedicated seniors from Odyssey High School are the first to pilot the Work Experience program. After a competitive application process, these honor roll students have earned coveted LAUSD employment placements at local elementary schools and colleges. With skills training, customer service experience, and a drive to succeed, they’re paving the way for future generations of Odyssey students!


Parents and Guardians - We are Excited to LAUNCH our PHONE FREE DAYS at ODYSSEY HS in compliance with the NEW LAUSD Policy!
HELP US to HELP YOUR CHILD eliminate distractions during the 5 hours at School! We are entering Testing Season! ALL Odyssey Students need to LOCK IN!



Our Mission

At Odyssey High School, there will be a nurturing, individualized and diverse learning environment where students will be motivated to succeed academically and socially. Our focus is to increase student achievement by providing academic skills and integrating technology throughout the curriculum. Students will develop self-esteem and self-control, allowing them to learn, function and prosper in our global community.